

About Stephanie,

Stephanie is a Melbourne based costume designer, maker, wardrobe stylist and stage dresser, currently in her third year of study, undertaking a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production - Costume) at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA - Melbourne University). In 2018 she was the proud recipient of the ‘Samantha O’Brien Award,’ Methodist Ladies College (MLC), for her exceptional skills and commitment to design.

Stephanie's first independent dance project was, Snow and Rose Choreographed by Alexandra Dellaportas | Spark Productions Australia | Frankston Arts Centre. Stephanie’s costume designs for this production were inspired by the creative abstract nature of the choreographers vision. She successfully brought the abstract and magical to life; which was not without its challenges. The costumes needed to be visually exciting yet allow free movement and comfort. The bear costume in particular, abstract and heavy, was designed and cut to allow airflow and reduce overheating.

Stephanie has had the privilege of being Costume Manger for, The Cripple of Inishmaan, Directed by Georgina Naidu | VCA | Theatre. Also Assistant Costume Manager & Dresser on the musical production of On the Town, directed by Adam Mitchell | Musical Director Geoffrey - Castles |Choreographer - Kirsten King | VCA | Music Theatre.

She has also enjoyed assisting within many VCA Production departments, in roles including, costumier (i.e.tailoring, costume building/making, period pattern cutting), costume maintenance, art finisher, buyer, coordinator, workshop, lighting and set & props crews.

Stephanie understands costume in the performance industry (Theatre, Musical Theatre, Dance, Opera, Film, Television) and is ever ready to embrace its costume challenges.

Nothing is more enjoyable to Stephanie, than creating a challenging costume. Whether it be a period piece or a stylised, abstract or creature costume, or a couture/high fashion costume; what ever the script calls for, her extensive design and construction skills meet the challenge.

Stephanie has a passion for the past, in particular unique vintage material and vintage fashion. She loves nothing better than being able to repurpose old pieces into new costumes.

Stephanie loves every minute of the creative process and strives to further her skills and experience within, Musical Theatre, Theatre, Dance, Opera, Film and Television.

Costume truly is, Stephanie’s passion.

Credits include:

2021 | Internship | Harry Potter and the Cursed Child | Michael Castel Group

Head of Wardrobe: Phillip Toole | Princess Theatre

2021 | senior costumier | The Hello Girls | VCA Musical theatre

Director Jason Langley

2021| Costume alterations | ENLIGHTENMENT

Director Marcel Dorney  | Elbow Room | Northcote Town Hall

Photo credit to Deryk McAlpin

Photo credit to Deryk McAlpin

2020 | Costume Manager | The Cripple of Inishmaan | VCA; Theatre, Acting    

Director Georgina Naidu 

2020 | Costume Assistant | Return to Normal | VCA; Graduate Dance

Choreographer Antony Hamilton 

2020 | Costume Assistant | Sight Unseen | VCA; Graduate Dance

Choreographer Linda Satradipradja 

2020 | Costume Assistant | Pile of Bones | VCA; Graduate Dance 

Choreographer Stephanie Lake 

2020 | Costume Assistant | Nuti | VCA; Dance 

Choreographer Meryl Tankard

2019 | Workshop, Set & Props crew | Swim Between the Flags – A Town Hall Affair

Devised & Directed by Theatre Company 2019 | VCA; Theatre 

2019 | Assistant Costume Manager & Dresser | On the Town

Directed by Adam Mitchell | Musical Director Geoffrey Castles |Choreographed by Kirsten King | VCA; Music Theatre 

2019 | Costume Assistant | LET MEN TREMBLE

Directed by Steven Mitchell | THE DANGER ENSEMBLE | Theatre Works 

2019 | Costume Designer & Maker | Snow and Rose

Choregraphed By Alexandra Dellaportas | Spark Productions Australia | Frankston Arts Centre 

2019 | Show Crew | Dr Faustus Lights the Lights

Directed by Alyson Campbell | VCA, Theatre Acting